Patch II
Karsten Ohme
2005-05-30 00:24:14 UTC

I corrected something else from the last mail. The patch includes now
the following:

Toto be able to work, I had to include one patch in the
qandaset.mod.xsl, which removes a template which is not used and let
every XSLT processor fail. This patch was already there, but not
included in the CVS. Why?

Another bug was a missing '' in preamble.mod.xsl in line 523 for saxon 8

- <xsl:if test="$latex.use.varioref='1'">
+ <xsl:if test="$latex.use.varioref=1">

I added a support for the scale and align="center" attribute of graphic
of DocBook. Additional the scale attribute is honored and creates a
\scalebox. If the width and the height are specified, a bb= attibut is
appended to the \includegraphics command. this is important for
rendering png images with latex.

Default now text is not justified, it is ragged right. A paramter for
this would be a better solution.

I added an attribut latex.customcommand. You can define in your custom
stylesheet custom Latex commands. E.g. the following defines a abstract
environment for the book class.

<xsl:param name="latex.customcommand">
{\bfseries \abstractname\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{\z@}}%

Please include this.

Bye, Karsten
