Patch III - I hope the last
Karsten Ohme
2005-05-30 18:09:11 UTC

I'm finished. Unfortunately again a patch of my own patch. I hate it.

What's left:

I had to include one patch in the qandaset.mod.xsl, which removes a
template which is not used and let every XSLT processor fail. This patch
was already there, but not included in the CVS

A missing '' in preamble.mod.xsl in line 523 for saxon 8

+ <xsl:if test="$latex.use.varioref='1'">
- <xsl:if test="$latex.use.varioref=1">

I added a support for the scalefit and align="center" attribute of
graphic of DocBook. The scalefit attribute crates a resizebox which
makes the graphic to the size of the column (\columnwidth). maybe this
should overwritten, in a costum style sheet.
If the width and the height are specified, a bb= attibut is appended to
the \includegraphics command. this is important for rendering png images
with LaTeX.
The scalefit and the width attribut is abused, actuallay the semantic of
this paramters is different, but it works mostly in a way a user would
expect. The height parameter does not exist in DocBook and the
validation should fail ... There should be a better solution.

Default now text is not justified, it is ragged right. A parameter for
this would be a better solution. Does one exist?

I added an attribut latex.customcommand. You can redefine in your custom
stylesheet custom Latex commands. E.g. the following defines a abstract
environment for the report class. (I had the problem, that the
pagenumbers or wrong else (Why? Don't know.)).

<xsl:param name="latex.customcommand">
{\bfseries \abstractname\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{\z@}}%

Bye, Karsten
2005-05-30 19:20:22 UTC
Post by Karsten Ohme
I added a support for the scalefit and align="center" attribute of
graphic of DocBook. The scalefit attribute crates a resizebox which
makes the graphic to the size of the column (\columnwidth). maybe this
should overwritten, in a costum style sheet.
If the width and the height are specified, a bb= attibut is appended to
the \includegraphics command. this is important for rendering png images
with LaTeX.
The scalefit and the width attribut is abused, actuallay the semantic of
this paramters is different, but it works mostly in a way a user would
expect. The height parameter does not exist in DocBook and the
validation should fail ... There should be a better solution.
I would suggest to use directly the \includegraphics options. Example:


Please find attached the stylesheet I use to render <imagedata>. Most of
the imagadata attributes combinations are supported. Any comment is


