Oleg Paraschenko
2004-03-25 11:28:41 UTC
Hello colleagues,
I'd like to introduce you TeXML, the XML vocabulary for TeX:
I think that you can use TeXML to some extent in the your project.
| Example of TeXML to TeX translation
| TeXML:
| <cmd name="documentclass">
| <opt>12pt</opt>
| <parm>letter</parm>
| </cmd>
| TeX:
| \documentclass[12pt]{letter}
One of the main benefits of TeXML usage is an automatical translation
of the TeX special symbols.
| Example of translation of special TeX symbols
| TeXML:
| <TeXML>\section{No break}</TeXML>
| TeX:
| $\backslash$section\{No~break\}
Default output encoding is utf8. TeXML processor escapes
out-of-encoding chars automatically.
| Example of translation of non-ASCII characters
| TeXML:
| <TeXML>ТеХ</TeXML>
| TeX in ASCII encoding:
| \cyrchar\CYRT \cyrchar\cyre \cyrchar\CYRH
| TeX in Russian encoding
| TeX
There are some profits to generate TeXML instead of TeX:
* you avoid painful handling of TeX special characters,
* you should not bother about encodings,
* there are chances to write more error-free code.
About last item. For example, you want to generate
| {\bf bold}
One of the approaches is to generate "{", then "\bf " (with trailing
space) and then "}". It is easy enough to miss space or to forget
a brace or write an incorrect brace. But when you use TeXML, it cares
for you:
| <group><cmd name="bf"/>bold</group>
Your comments are welcome.
Regards, Oleg
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I'd like to introduce you TeXML, the XML vocabulary for TeX:
I think that you can use TeXML to some extent in the your project.
| Example of TeXML to TeX translation
| TeXML:
| <cmd name="documentclass">
| <opt>12pt</opt>
| <parm>letter</parm>
| </cmd>
| TeX:
| \documentclass[12pt]{letter}
One of the main benefits of TeXML usage is an automatical translation
of the TeX special symbols.
| Example of translation of special TeX symbols
| TeXML:
| <TeXML>\section{No break}</TeXML>
| TeX:
| $\backslash$section\{No~break\}
Default output encoding is utf8. TeXML processor escapes
out-of-encoding chars automatically.
| Example of translation of non-ASCII characters
| TeXML:
| <TeXML>ТеХ</TeXML>
| TeX in ASCII encoding:
| \cyrchar\CYRT \cyrchar\cyre \cyrchar\CYRH
| TeX in Russian encoding
| TeX
There are some profits to generate TeXML instead of TeX:
* you avoid painful handling of TeX special characters,
* you should not bother about encodings,
* there are chances to write more error-free code.
About last item. For example, you want to generate
| {\bf bold}
One of the approaches is to generate "{", then "\bf " (with trailing
space) and then "}". It is easy enough to miss space or to forget
a brace or write an incorrect brace. But when you use TeXML, it cares
for you:
| <group><cmd name="bf"/>bold</group>
Your comments are welcome.
Regards, Oleg
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system